Safety First Products

Monthly Giving Control.

Empower your charitable giving with our Monthly Giving Control feature. Now, you can effortlessly contribute to your chosen charity fund every month with just a one-time commitment. Simply allocate an initial amount, like $200, to the smart contract, and it will automatically transfer your specified monthly donation to the charity of your choice.

Customize your philanthropy by choosing a charity aligned with your values. Ensure steady monthly contributions for reliable support, and enjoy the flexibility to adapt your giving strategy as life evolves by easily canceling your subscription. Make a consistent and meaningful impact with ease.

Prepare and Act Fast.

When a natural disaster strikes, SafetyFirst smart contract is triggered instantly. This triggers a seamless and transparent process that allocates funds directly to the affected individuals and communities. With blockchain's inherent security and transparency, you can trust that your contributions are making a direct impact without unnecessary intermediaries.

Blockchain facilitates swift responses to natural disasters, executing transactions rapidly at any time. In critical situations where every second is crucial and lives are at risk, leveraging this advanced technology becomes imperative.

Your Active Role in Times of Need.

Empower yourself as a vital contributor to community safety with our Community Alert System. When a natural disaster strikes, you become the firsthand source of crucial information. By simply sharing your coordinates, you play a pivotal role in notifying others about the occurrence of a disaster.

Our platform transforms crisis response by amplifying community engagement. The more individuals interact with our Community Alert System, the clearer the signal becomes, enabling swift and coordinated responses. Beyond awareness, it allows active participation, signaling needs for assistance or offering help to foster unity and collective strength.